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Doctor of Physical Therapy

Will Adams, PT, DPT

When it comes to providing pain relief, lifestyle enhancement, and performance improvement, Will sets his sights on all aspects of the individual, not just the site of pain.



Team Quick Facts

What is your favorite food/meal?

Easy. Bacon cheeseburger. I usually eat pretty “clean,” but when I’m not you’ll probably catch me eating a bacon cheeseburger.

What is the common misconception with PT?

“All PT is heat, ice, massage, and stretching.” While these may have their place and purpose at times, they may only serve as a “bandage” for the underlying issue as real change comes from attacking the root cause of the problem. Additionally, patients should be an active participant in their treatment alongside a manual therapy providing clinician who is mindful of human anatomy and their skills.

Favorite way to spend the weekend?

My weekends are usually spent outside with friends and family. I try to be as active as possible, whether that’s in the gym or playing sports like basketball, golf, football or pickleball.

Will is a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) at Synergy, and you will see him working with patients throughout the clinic.

Will believes that treatment begins with a whole person approach. When it comes to providing pain relief, lifestyle enhancement, and performance improvement, Will sets his sights on all aspects of the individual, not just the site of pain. Will lives in Phoenix with his wife, Cynthia, who is an occupational therapist. He is passionate about his work, putting in 110% effort for every patient. He ensures that each person who comes through the doors gets the absolute best he can offer every day.

Will’s favorite thing about his profession is the unique opportunity to be part of a team that helps transform individuals’ lifestyles from being centered around their pain to focusing on their health and well-being. He emphasizes that physical therapy isn’t just about heat, ice, massage, and stretching; these methods might only serve as a temporary “bandage” for the underlying issue. Real change comes from addressing the root cause of the problem, with patients being active participants in their treatment.

In his free time, Will enjoys spending weekends outside with friends and family, staying as active as possible. Whether it’s in the gym or playing sports like basketball, golf, football, or pickleball, he makes the most of his leisure time. Interestingly, while Will writes, throws, and does most things with his right hand, he shoots a basketball with his left hand—a skill he taught himself when he was just 4 or 5 years old.

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